pair of feet in the sand on a beach towel

Preparing for the Next Swim Season: Order Custom Towels Over the Summer

Summer is a time for relaxation and fun, but it’s also the perfect opportunity for swim teams and schools to prepare for the upcoming swim season. One essential item that can set the tone for a successful season is custom swim team towels. Ordering custom towels over the summer not only ensures that your team is ready to hit the pool in style, but also offers numerous practical and motivational benefits. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why summer is the ideal time to order custom swim towels and how they can enhance your team’s performance and spirit.

1. Beat the Rush

By ordering custom towels during the summer, you can avoid the rush that comes with the start of the school year. Many teams wait until the last minute to place their orders, leading to potential delays and backlogs. By planning ahead and placing your order over the summer, you ensure that your towels will be ready and delivered well before the first practice or meet, giving your team a head start.

2. Ample Time for Design and Customization

Summer provides the perfect window to carefully design and customize your swim team towels. Whether you want to incorporate the team’s logo, colors, or even a motivational slogan, taking the time to perfect the design ensures that your towels will be unique and meaningful. You can involve team members in the design process, fostering a sense of ownership and pride in the final product.

3. Promote Team Spirit and Unity

Custom towels are a great way to build team spirit and unity before the season even starts. When team members receive their custom towels at the beginning of the season, it creates a sense of belonging and excitement. It’s a tangible symbol of their commitment to the team and can boost morale and motivation.

4. Professional Appearance

Having custom towels gives your team a professional and organized look. Whether at practice, during competitions, or even at school events, custom towels make your team stand out and convey a sense of pride and professionalism. This cohesive appearance can positively impact team perception and foster a strong team identity.

5. Practical Benefits

Custom swim towels are not just about aesthetics; they offer practical benefits too. High-quality custom towels are designed to be absorbent, quick-drying, and durable, making them perfect for the rigorous demands of swim practices and meets. They help swimmers stay dry and comfortable, reducing the risk of skin irritation and improving overall performance.

6. Memorable Keepsakes

Custom towels serve as memorable keepsakes that team members can cherish long after the season ends. They are a lasting reminder of the hard work, dedication, and camaraderie shared during the season. This sense of nostalgia can strengthen the bond between team members and keep them connected to their team experience.

7. Effective Fundraising Tool

Summer is also a great time to use custom towels as part of your fundraising efforts. You can sell custom towels to team members, their families, and supporters to raise funds for the team. This not only helps cover the costs of the towels but also supports other team activities and needs throughout the season.

8. Stay Ahead of Schedule

By ordering custom towels over the summer, you stay ahead of schedule and can focus on other important aspects of preparing for the season. It frees up time and resources that can be dedicated to training, strategy, and team-building activities, ensuring that your team is well-prepared and ready to compete.


Summer is the perfect time to get a head start on preparing for the next swim season. Ordering custom swim team towels now ensures that your team is ready to dive into the season with style, unity, and professionalism. At Team Towels, we specialize in creating high-quality, custom swim towels that meet the unique needs of your team. Contact us today to design the perfect towels for your team and make the upcoming swim season unforgettable!