Fundraising Guide: Post-Summer Earning
While it can be hard to part with summer in all of its infinite glory, returning to school to reunite with friends is always a promising thought. Even more important than this is the idea of school sports resuming. However, before entering the thick of the season, acquiring team gear and earning some capital for future activities is essential. Whether you are an athlete yourself, a parent, or coach, it’s important to take an active role in fundraising for your associated sports team.
Check out some of our ideas for a fundraiser to start the year off on a fresh note.
1. Incentivize Merchandise Sales
As athletes, your sports team serves as spokespeople for your school and community. Custom woven towels, custom woven scarves, custom woven crew socks and other apparel will give classmates the option to support your endeavors. Try using either an order form to get sales in advance, or selling them in the cafeteria. Trust us– towels are beyond useful during the summer, and are an easy way to promote your team outside of the season.
Now, here comes the fun part. Try encouraging classmates to purchase your apparel by promising to reward customers with something fun. Offer for team captains to sign your merchandise for an extra fee. Or, promise that the entire team will shout their name every time they are spotted wearing their socks. Come up with your own ideas for the best results.
2. Restaurant Event
Chain restaurants (and some privately owned restaurants, too) are often receptive to a team fundraiser. Though it will require advanced planning with the restaurant, and coordination to encourage participants, this type of fundraiser can earn you significant payment. After the night is over, the restaurant will give you a portion of the earnings brought in by your team.
3. Water Balloon Fight
Even though it’s not technically summer anymore, it’s still warm enough to have some water sports fun. You’ll want to bank on a hot day for this fundraiser.
4. Kickball/Dodgeball Tournament
Coordinating with your school’s faculty to set up a dodgeball or kickball tournament will generate a lot of buzz throughout the school.
These sports are competitive yet accessible, and will be appealing to the majority of your school. Charging a simple entry fee (and perhaps an observer fee) will go a long way in covering expenses.

4. Anything With Dogs
It really doesn’t matter what. People are much more likely to participate in a fundraiser if there are dogs involved.
For example, execute a regular walk-a-thon, but encourage people to bring along their dogs. Or, organize a regular party, but also have canine refreshments.
The fence is the limit with this one.
5. Get Creative
A little extra money at the beginning of the season can go a long way toward an enjoyable and rewarding season. Your team should have fun while brainstorming and executing these fundraisers. Pick the fundraiser that best suits your team and school, and start earning for your cause!
Team Towels specializes in producing towels with visually appealing and accurate logos. We offer a number of different options for different purposes. Contact us for more information.